Thursday, November 24, 2011

A Jenn Adventure: Things I'm Thankful For

Inspired by a friend's blog (Thanks, Chris!), I decided I should do a special "What I'm Thankful For" blog.  There's nothing "deep" in this post.  No revelations.  Just a simple list of things I'm thankful for.  Some are serious, some are silly but all are things I am thankful to have.  And because I am watching the Texas/A&M game I should say, some of these I had intended to put more thought into.  However, it's hard to thoughtfully blog and watch football at the same time.  ;-)

Things I'm Thankful For:

1.  Family.
I'm pretty fond of my family.  We have our quirks and our crazies but they are my family and they are always here when I need them, no matter the need.  I'm especially thankful for this guy:

Have I mentioned lately how awesome he is?  ;-)  Anyway, I never knew how lucky I was or how good I had it until I went to college.  Listening to other people talk about their immediate and and extended families, I began to realize I had something special.  We are all very close and we care a lot about each other... sometimes maybe a little too much but I'll take too much over too little any day.  I'm thankful for my family.

2.  Friends.
I have a pretty great group of friends.  I've always been the type of person who has less friends but deeper relationships with those people.  I like it that way.  And I'm incredibly grateful for each and every one of them.  Just like family, they are there when I need them.  They are fun, caring, talkative but quiet, silly but serious, crafty, intelligent, snarky, selfless... they dream up things like glitter cannons and accept people for what they are.  I love them, love them, love them.  I'm thankful for my friends.

3.  Pets.
Specifically, my pets.  I love my girls.  That's 100% apparent.  I wonder how people without pets cope.  Granted, I am single and live alone but still, pets have always been a part of my life and I can't imagine a day without them.  Ok, so I can imagine a day without them... I had several days in a row in college where I was not allowed a pet but you know what I mean.  You learn soooo much from having a pet.  There's the obvious "responsibility" lesson but it's so much more than that.  My girls have taught me patience, how to laugh at things that really aren't funny, how to laugh at things that are hysterical, how to ignore, how to clean black curtains, to find the fun in every little thing, how to snuggle, how to care, but most importantly... how to love unconditionally.  I know, technically, my parents taught me all of this stuff but having pets allowed me to practice it all, especially the curtain cleaning thing, and so much more.  I can make mistake after mistake with these girls and they will always love me in their little kitteh way.  And they can make mistake after mistake and I will always love them in my own little human way.  I'm thankful for pets.

4.  AC.
I'm hot.  All the time.  And I don't mean "h-o-t-t" hot, I mean my body temperature has to run at an abnormally high number because when most people are chilled I'm borderline sweaty.  *shrugs shoulders*  It's always been this way with me but as I've gotten older I've become more and more aware of it.  It's annoying.  And here I am in Texas where we have no water and 110 degree days 9 months out of the year.  Talk about annoying.  I dream of snow and 45 degree days on a daily basis.  Anyway, the point is, AC is NOT wasted on me.  I am thankful every day that I have a working AC with a digital thermostat.  Don't get me wrong, I love being outside and I totally miss the days of working as a "farm-hand" that one summer.  I love me some manual labor but I also love to come home to an "as cool as I want it" apt (which is usually around 74 degree, or less, when I'm home).  I'm thankful for AC.

5.  Fiction Books.
Being a librarian at heart, it's understandable that I'm thankful for books but I'm really thankful for fiction books. I've always been a reader but I read for entertainment.  I read to find myself in another world, another time, another emotion, another anything.  I love stories.  I love being able to imagine the story in my mind and dream up what the characters look like and how their voices sound.  Though, I've grown with the times and enjoy reading on my Kindle and listening to audio books I still enjoy the feel of the pages, the crack of the spine, the smell of a good book.  I'm thankful for fiction books.

6.  Running Shoes.
Like I've said before, I'm not a runner.  But I do enjoy running... especially when it's cold... and raining... and at night.  The feel of the shoes on my feet, the sound of the pat, pat, pat on the pavement.  The escape they give me from... well, life.  There's no need for thinking.  There's no need for analyzing.  Just run.  Just breathe.  Just be.  I'm thankful for my running shoes.   

7.  Pandora.
I'm not sure how I functioned before Pandora.  I lurve Pandora.  I love the Cake station, and the Jack Ingram station, and the Louis Armstrong station, and I could go on and on and on...  New music, old music, different music... it's all there!  Pandora = awesome.  Enough said.  I'm thankful for pandora.

8.  My iPod.
I have an iPod Touch and it's the best thing since sliced bread.  The music, the apps, the internet access... pandora... ;-)  I don't have a lot to say about my iPod... I'm just really happy I have it!  iPod, you are a convenience I'm thankful for.

9.  Fireplaces
I adore a cold night with a lit fireplace.  It's warm and cozy and safe.  I could curl up with a pillow and blanket in a big comfy chair and just stare at the flames.  So many winter nights at my Daddy's house were spent that way.  Long after the rest of the house had gone to bed, I was camped out in front of the fireplace, cuddled up reading a book.  Safe, safe, safe... I'm thankful for fireplaces.

10.  The Me I Used to Be.
Again, stolen from Chris' blog but it's so totally true.  Without the Me I Used to Be I wouldn't be the Me I Am Today.  I used to be very quiet.  I never spoke up.  I wasn't very sure of myself.  Which is all very funny because if you talked to anyone from when I was younger, I'm pretty sure they would say the compete opposite.  However, now I'm the exact opposite of what I used to be.  I'm striving for something in between.  Something a little less outspoken but not silent.  A little less emotional but not emotionless.  Just a better person.  A better Jenn.  The Me I Want to Be.  But in the meantime, I'm thankful for the Me I Used to Be.

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