Wednesday, November 23, 2011

A Lily Adventure: Rediscovering Old Toys

I caught Lily chasing her tail the other morning at, like, 3 a.m. She was on top of my printer running around in circles. This is a funny and very impressive thing...

For starters, I haven't seen her chase her tail in ages. I guess she's rediscovered it because I've caught her chasing her tail at least 3 other times since the printer incident. Like I said in the beginning, it is by far the coolest toy she has... Anyway, it was funny to see her doing this again. It was not so funny that it was 3 a.m.-ish.

Secondly, did I mention she was on top of the printer/scanner?


She's literally the size of the printer! Let me show you...

How in the world she was able to chase her tail and stay on top of that thing is beyond me. Yes, technically, she is a cat but have you met her??? Have read any other posts on this blog??? Exhibit A: Mom needs a new phone. There is nothing cat-like or graceful about any of Lily's movements. I swear she's something of a SkippyJon Jones in that she thinks she's a dog. Really, I think she thinks she's a dog. Needless to say, it was impressive she was able to stay on top of the printer the entire time.

Since then, I've also caught her chasing her tail on top of the Nintendo game bin... Yeah, Nintendo game bin. What? I was a kid of the 80's!

She's also chased her tail on top of me at 6 a.m... she was soon relocated to the floor when that fun started. Anyway, I'm glad she's rediscovered a cherished toy. She may be an adult but it's nice to see her kitten self appear again... even if it's at 3 a.m.

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