Thursday, January 30, 2014

A Jenn Adventure: 'Ello Guvna!

Tonight the Year of 32 comes to an end.  I always take time on this day to reflect on the previous year.  I, typically, write a little something down and sometimes those musings make it to the internet.  Sometimes they don’t.  I’ve been thinking about what I would write all day, trying to decide what I would say… what I wanted to say… trying to reflect on the Year of 32.  But I couldn’t get anywhere with my thoughts.  It’s not like 32 was an awful year.  I mean, I had a few slap-myself-in-the-face-did-that-really-just-happen moments but overall I can’t say it was a bad year.  But I also can’t say it was a great year.  Yeah, there are a few moments that stand out: got a free trip to Napa; went to a Bon Jovi concert with my cousins (which was a BLAST); laughed, played and loved my nephew to pieces; watched a dear friend get married; did some kickass baking; and finished a craft project that was 12+ years in the making.  But still, even when I think about it, the Year of 32 doesn’t stand out for me.  And then it hit me… I don’t want to reflect on the Year of 32.  I don’t want to say “good-bye” to it.  I don’t want to give it another thought.  I’m done with the Year of 32. 

Instead, I want to say, “”Ello, Guvna!” as loud as I can to the Year of 33 and erupt into giggles!

Year of 33, I don’t want to stress you out with a bunch of high expectations but something about you makes me smile uncontrollably.  We’re gonna have a great year.  I just know it.  Something about you makes me excited and hopeful.  I haven’t looked forward to a birthday this much since… since… I was 16?  *shrugs shoulders*  I don’t know why… nothing of importance happens this year.  We don’t get a license (unless I decide to splurge for that CHL class I’ve had my eye on for a while), it’s not the first year we can vote or legally drink in a bar.  We aren’t running off to college or graduating from something (Besides, you’ve overdone that one lately.  Let’s give it rest on the degrees.).  This is not a big milestone year.  But something about you… Maybe it’s because I can mold you into anything I want.  All those things we’ve talked about doing but haven’t… I think it may be time.

So, Year of 33, with that being said, how about we start with this small list:
  •  Remember that cross-stitch project you started for Mom when you were a junior in high school that got ruined in your gym bag by an open bottle of Coke at a volleyball tournament and you had to throw it away?  We’re gonna start AND finish the replacement you bought online and then promptly hid in your closet.
  • You’re going to recommit yourself to hula.  Cause let’s be honest, your life is so much better and your heart and soul are so much happier when you are dancing with your hula sisters.
  • Fruits and vegetables.  I don’t need to elaborate here.
  • Kayak Town Lake, trail run more, read in the sun, go for a bike ride, try a Hot Lava course!  Jeez… we could knock all that out in February!!  (Pronounced: Feb-ya-wary :-) )
  • Write.  More.
  • Monthly Dance Parties – alone or with friends… your kitchen or The Boss’… day or night… the possibilities are endless!  You pick!
  • Embarrass the hell out of yourself on your 15th High School Reunion Cruise.  Why?  Why not, yo?!?!
  • Drink more mimosas.  Monthly?  Weekly!  Well, let’s start with monthly.  Also, that Airborne Strawberry flavored Vitamin C drink you've been drinking lately could use a little Champs in it… it’s ok, go for it!
  • Help Pops rebuild fences on the farm.  This will take some effort.  Effort as in, you’ll need to pester Pops on getting this done.  But, you really want to help for more reasons than one.
  • Continue to remember, love, and learn from your grandfather.  Smile, care, be kind and patient, laugh, and love.
  • Finally, trust yourself.  All those slap-myself-in-the-face-did-that-really-just-happen moments of the Year of 32 could have been prevented if you had trusted your gut.  It’s ok to trust other people.  Please give them the benefit of the doubt!  That’s part of what makes you who you are…  but be sure to trust yourself first and foremost. 
We’ll think of more as the year goes on but, I think that’s a good start, don’t you?  Seriously, though, something big is gonna happen in the Year of 33.  I don’t know what it is, but it’s there… and it’s time.  Don’t be afraid.  Open your heart, your mind, and your soul to whatever it is. 

I'm never gonna look back
Woah, never gonna give it up
No, please don't wake me now


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