Sunday, January 29, 2012

A Jenn Adventure: The Year of 30

Tonight, the Year of 30 comes to an end.  It seemed only fitting to take a moment to look back on it... It was filled with so much but I think what stands out the most was the amount of love it contained.  I never knew I could be loved nor love as much as I did this year.  

I started the Year of 30 off surrounded by my closest friends.  I literally sat at brunch the morning of my birthday and looked around at all the faces.  I've never felt so lucky in my life.  A girl can only wish for the friends that were sitting at that table.  Can only hope and dream for them... and I have them.  Not just one or two but several.  And every day I am grateful for each and every one of them.  They each bring some sort of joy and happiness to my life.  So much so that I'm always taken aback by it, in a good way.  I'm grateful for each and every one of my friends.  

I didn't think it was possible to experience more love than that until my sister handed me her newborn son in July.  I love that little boy to the moon and back.  I quit my job in September to spend my days hanging out with his sweet face and there's not a single day that goes by that I'm not thrilled I made that decision.  And there's not a single day when I don't appreciate the time I get to spend with him and how much he makes me laugh.  I mean... how can you NOT giggle with this guy around?!?

Is there popcorn for this drive-in movie?

I'm also grateful for the new friends the Year of 30 brought to me.  I don't get to spend as much time with them as I would like but I'm grateful for the friendships that flourished... and sort of out of nowhere!  

Unexpected but incredible... that was my Year of 30.  I hope that in the Year of 31 I can give as much love as I received this year.  I hope everyone close to me knows just how much they mean.  How important they are in my life.  How much I love them.  

I heard the best quote on a TV show tonight, "Be bold-and mighty forces will come to your aid." --William Benjamin Basil King.  Maybe that should be my motto for the Year of 31... If anything, I will love boldly...


Friday, January 6, 2012

A Jenn Adventure: 2011 Christmas Crafts!

I was going to do one final blog before the end of 2011 and it didn't happen.  I started it but then never opened my computer again to finish.  Heh...  such is life.  ;-)

Anyway, here are some bits and pieces from that post.  Mainly, I just wanted to share some crafty stuff I had worked on for Christmas.  So....

For Christmas, my sis asked me to make some hair clips for her nieces.  I didn't post them on Twitter or FB b/c I'm friends with my sister's sis-in-law.  I didn't want to ruin the surprise!  And then... I forgot.  But now, I'm crazy excited about them again so here they are!!!




Pretty cute, huh?  I'm so stinkin' proud of those hair clips!  They were a ton of fun to make too.  If you need/want one, let me know!  

Other crafts, I knitted a lot of dish rags for family this year.  Wait, scratch that, I intended to knit a lot for family but really I only made 4.  I still have some I need to make...  I lurve knitting.  I like how I can knit and pay attention to other things at the same time.  As long as I'm not drunk knitting, things turn out great!  ;-)  

And I have no idea what's going on with the spacing of this post!  I think the pictures are wiggin' it out.  ;-)  Happy 2012 Crafting!
