Thursday, September 17, 2009

A Lily Adventure: It's all about the TP

I know, it's been ages. Really I've been waiting for Abby to have an adventure but I think she feels she is too mature and sophisticated for such things. So, this truly might become a Lily-blog.

Speaking of Lily... she's in East Texas (fondly known as "E.T.") staying with Grammy & Grampy. She needed a "tummy tuck" & you wouldn't believe how expensive that is in Austin! So, we went home last weekend for a triathlon for Mom and an extended stay with the grandparents for Lily. What's funny is I thought, "I love my kitten but she's crazy. This will give me and Abby some much needed bonding time." 48 hours after returning to Austin sans-Lily I realized, "Wow... it's really quiet & calm around here... I kind of don't like it..."

Needless to say, though Abby has probably thoroughly enjoyed not having her little sis around, I have missed Lily incredibly. I was so upset yesterday when I realized she would have to stay until next weekend for a check up appointment I was on the verge of driving home (4.5 hours) for the weekend just so I could see her & then driving back again the following weekend. That would have been 3 weekends in a row! (I went for a run last night with my sister and came to my senses. I nixed that idea and have opted to wait until next weekend. I'm officially a mom even if it is only to cats because that was definitely a crazy parent decision I almost went with.)

Anyway, I thought tonight I would discuss Lily's extreme fondness of the toilet. I'm not entirely sure why she's soooooo enamored with the toilet but she is. She loooooves to put stuff in the toilet. Her toys. Peppermints (that's a story all in itself). My phone... oh yeah, you already know that one. ;-)

One night I was brushing my teeth before bed and Lily was playing with one of her toys. Actually, I'm pretty sure it was originally Abby's but like everything else in the apartment it now belongs to Lily. Anyway, she's playing, playing, playing and all of a sudden I hear, "Kerplunk." I stop brushing and say, "You did not just... Lily!" And what do you know, she's got her cute little front paws on the edge of the toilet seat and her little head stuck over in the toilet... watching her toy bob up-and-down in the water. "Really, Lily? Did your toy really need to go in there???" If only I had a quarter for every time I've said that phrase... "Really, Lily? Did your blah-blah-blah really need to go in the toilet???" However, I laugh pretty hard every time it happens. I can't seem to get a picture of her with her little head over in the toilet but that's the really funny part. She's totally fascinated by the bobbing whatever it is she's just put in the water. And if I let her, she'll continue to play with whatever she's put in there. Sometimes she'll retrieve it and sometimes, the next morning, I'll find cat toys in the toilet. Once again, another reason I need to keep the lid closed...

There's also something about toilet paper that is fascinating. I would say she just likes to spin the roll on the roller but it's more than that. It's the TP itself. I can't let her "play" in the linen closet where I keep the TP or she will eat it. No, seriously... she'll eat it. And if she gets bored during the day, not only will she unroll the TP but she'll chew up the roll first and THEN unroll it. How do I know she eats it first? Because if you stretched the TP out in a straight line you would see that evenly spaced are sections missing... like so...

She does enjoy just spinning the TP on the roller, though. It's great fun, especially when I forget to turn the roll around so it won't unroll. I kid you not, she unrolled an entire brand new roll of TP once.

She's always very proud of these unrolling achievements. So proud, she shows them to me...

I tried taking the extra litter box out but by this time she had figured out that the bathroom was a playroom and it was too late. I flipped the roll but she does occasionally make her own fun out of eating the TP when it won't unroll for her. "I punish you.... I will eat you!"

She's an odd duck but I'll tell ya what... I love her to pieces. I miss her like crazy right now. I know she's in good, loving hands but that doesn't make it any easier to be without her.

She's my Lilypad! My Lil'Bit. My Punkin. My CrazyLady. My "What are you doing?!?!?"

Lily... Mom really misses you.

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