Tuesday, July 28, 2009

A Lily Adventure - Mom needs a *new* phone

Apparently, Lily didn't like my phone.

About three weeks ago I got out of bed, walked into the bathroom, stopped at the sink, and set my phone down on the ledge between the vanity and the toilet. Abby was requesting the faucet be turned on and Lily decided it was time for a romp around the apartment. Lily comes streaking into the bathroom, rounds the corner, jumps on the toilet (seat up... it's a wonder she didn't fall immediately into the toilet), and tries to make another jump straight up to the ledge.

Now, either she lost her footing on the way to the ledge or she misjudged the distance in her magic calculator of a brain because she didn't quite make the jump. I see out of the corner of my eye that she's slipping so I go to grab her just in time to see her little paw land directly on top of my phone and catapult it across the bathroom.



The Toilet.

I'm already headed in that direction with my hands to catch Lily but when I see the phone my hands keep reaching past my furry friend and I dive...



The Toilet.

Both hands. Zero hesitation. I went right in after it.

Several lessons were learned here:
a) It is best to keep the toilet lid closed.
b) Phones do NOT go on the ledge.
c) Lily has decided the proper route to the bathroom sink is toilet seat/lid, back of toilet, then ledge.

Phones do not go here...

This is why...

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