Monday, December 12, 2011

A Jenn Adventure: Playing Catch-Up

Hi!  Hello!  Good Morning!!!

It's a catch-up day.  At least for blogging it is.  I've left you all unattended for a few weeks and I see you've gone nutzo without me.  It's ok... it happens.  ;-)  So, as I sit here and drink a scrumptious smoothie courtesy of my hip bro-in-law while G-Man snoozes, I'll fill you in, as quickly as possible, on what's been up!  And what's been down... if there is any.  

First, THANKSGIVING!  We had a great Freeman/Hayden Thanksgiving.  A set of parental units were here, lunch was awesome, and dessert was sweeeeeeeet!  So all in all... excellent Thanksgiving!  We ate too much and enjoyed our family and all that jazz.  Pictures of our desserts follow.  Yep, I made them!  Did you expect anything less?!?  

Pumpkin Creme Brulee
Pumpkin Cheesecake

End of school... Weeeeee!!!  Those last two weeks were rough though.  Projects, finals, assignments out the wazoo.  But I made it!  And just in time.  I was starting to get seriously burned out.  Needed a massive break from school.  Besides, I have tons of Christmas prezzies I'm making this year and it was killing me that I couldn't work on them.  Anyway, grades haven't been posted yet but it should be another semester of A's.  I like to keep up with my grades as I go but especially at the end of the semester.  When there are tons of projects and finals to take it's helpful to know just what I need to make in order to keep my A.  Slightly lazy?  Maybe... Extremely smart?  Yes!  This way I know where I need to concentrate the most.  Luckily, I only needed 60's or less on all my final tests and projects.  It pays to work hard the first 3/4ths of the semester!  ;-)  There are some pics of things I made this semester below.  I have more but they are on my old phone and I can't get them off right now... 

Blackberry Bavarian Pastry
Choco Bread Pudding w/Mousseline Sauce

Show Cake!
The "cake" is styrofoam.

Speaking of phones... I've made it to the "here-and-now"!  I am now a proud owner of an iPhone 4S.  She's pretty!  White with a white and pink case.  I'd take a pic but that would mean finding my actual, real camera.  Ha!  I'm lovin' Siri.  She's got such a great sense of humor.  *snicker snicker*  This is my first "smart" phone and the salesman was quite nice.  Thankfully, he was not annoyed by my antics and played along.  I had a hard time deciding between an Android and an iPhone.  But in the end, iPhone it was.  At one point, he even told my phone had gone next door to Chipotle to get a burrito.  I was too busy talking with Mom to realize he had left the counter, so I was slightly confused.  But after I realized he was no longer holding my new piece of equipment I laughed.  Funny guy. 

Lastly, I spent the weekend in ETX "catering" a dessert party for my mom and stepdad.  Even though I spent Friday night and ALL of Saturday baking and creating, it was a TON of fun.  And I had fun at the party as well.  It was a work party for my stepdad and I know many of the people he works with and their spouses.  They are all like second families to me.  I hadn't seen them in so long.  It was nice to just sit and chat!  Anyway, on to the pics.  I know that's really what you want to see anyway...

Chocolate Peppermint Roll Cake
Mini Christmas Tree Cheesecakes

Chocolate Caramel Boxes

Truffles!!  Coconut, Pecan, and Plain

I think that pretty much wraps up what I've been up to... for the  most part.  ;-)  I hear a little man so it's time for a mid morning snack and play time!!!  And nope, I did not buy him this shirt... for once.  But it sure does look good on him!  

